Archives de l’auteur : jlc

La Santé par le Sport

24 mai 2020

Another explaination why you should never hide problems under the rug.

Il existe en anglais US une expression « Mettre la poussière sous le tapis » dont la traduction pourrait-être « Se voiler la face », c’est-à-dire ignorer un problème. Fort jolie caricature.


Darwinisme / Créationnisme

21 mai 2020

Deux approches en ce qui concerne la vie sur terre.
Une approche divine, la venue de la vie sur terre relève d’une volonté supérieure.
L’autre approche, scientifique celle-là consiste à envisager un continuum depuis les origines à nos jours. Le dessin ci-dessous pointe que toutes les mutations ne sont pas des réussites, les impasses sont légion.

Life on Earth is at the center of our questioning.
Two schools of thinking confront their explanations.
Creationism is the divine approach. Life was created as such, it never evolved.
The other more realistic approach is Evolution. In this case life is a constant evolution from the origins. Mutation opens new forms of life, most are a failure. The drawing below is a loud example of a failure.

Et pour retrouver le clown et ses aventures, cliquez ici.
For a follow-up on Fakident Pinocchio, click here.


Distortion/Denial of Democracy

19 mai 2020 / May 19 2020

Article qui décrit les perversions du système électoral US.
Une traduction sera proposée dès que possible.

A precious American friend of mine sent me the article inserted below. An analysis is offered after the article.


The article posted above explains the various technicalities that could, may or will happen under the current US presidential electoral system to trigger once again a Denial of Democracy. When the candidate brought to power is not the one chosen by the Popular vote, this event is called a Denial of Democracy. Beyond the technicalities explaining the failures of the Electoral College current processes, the American modern society has promoted a global self centered behavior. This behavior, this modern motto, killed the generous approach that, till renctly, lead the USA to World Leadership. The Leadership killer is Winner takes all.

In the last sixteen years, the Electoral College twice failed and reversed the Popular vote. For the 2000 Presidential Election, the Florida farce successfully pushed Bush the loser of the Popular vote to the Presidency. He had lost the Popular vote to Gore by half a million votes. The last Presidential election, 2016, was even worse, Trump lost the Popular vote by three million but still won the Electoral College.

In a functioning Democracy, when one candidate gets the majority of the votes, the Electoral College should acknowledge the result and name the winner of the Popular vote. The democratic process denial is that in 2000 and 2016, this did not happen. In both cases, the winner of the Popular vote lost the election.

In 2000 Bush had lost the Popular vote by less than 1% and won the Electoral vote with less than 2%. The Electoral votes were lost in the Florida farce. Putting the Florida farce aside, the denial of democracy was marginal. On the other hand the price to pay was beyond repair: the State Lie about Irak’ WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) draw the US and beyond the whole World into a War Chaos.

In 2016 the winner lost the Popular vote by a 5% margin. The loser of the Popular vote won the Electoral vote with a 33% margin. This is not a marginal glitch, this is a democratic process disaster. If the 2000 election can be considered as the collateral damage of an aging electoral system, the 2016 election is a scandal by it self. The cause lays in a fundamental flaw that is found in the current American motto: « Winner takes all » promoted by the Electoral College designation rules.

To restore the American Leadership that twice in the Twentieth Century saved the world by ending World Wars, the first step is to kill the current Electoral College.


Trump Supporters

14 mai 2020

Un clip tourné lors d’un meeting du clown de la Maison Blanche.
Malheureusement, trop dense pour être traduit.
En revanche ceux qui ont un vernis anglophone comprendront la beauté de l’intellect des supporters interrogés.
Et le FN n’est pas bien loin. Terrifiant.

The link came from Seattle, thank you my dear buddies.
I know, the interviewees are not Ivy League graduates.
This might explain a few blurps.
But anyway you look at it, it is terrifying.


Déconfinitude / Easing Lock-Down

12 mai 2020

Thank you Sam for the clip.

Ok we can now plan our next trips. Be careful when taking someone advice.

deux pecnots du sud des US causent de leurs vacances. Celui de gauche exprime sa satisfaction à propos des conseils donnés par sont pote. Hawaï la première année, les Caraïbes la deuxième et le sud de la France pour la dernière. Trois succès. Toutefois, à chaque retour son épousé était enceinte.
– « Alors que fais-tu pour tes prochaines vacances ? »
lui demande son pote.
– « Cette fois, elle vient avec moi. »


12 mai 2020


Parité : c’est pas gagné

12 mai 2020

Version française
En Israël, plus de femmes pilotent des F16 (avion de chasse performant) que de femmes au volant en Arabie Saoudite.
Si donner à tous le pouvoir faire la guerre n’est pas une preuve de la réussite d’une société, interdire à une catégorie de citoyen(nes) l’accès à certaines activités productives est la preuve de son échec.
Homme ou Femme, si je devais choisir entre Israël et l’Arabie Saoudite…
Protégez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis, je m’en charge.

Globish Version
If giving everyone the power to wage war is not proof of the success of a society, denying a category of citizens access to certain productive activities such as driving is proof of its failure.
Male or Female, if I had to choose between Israel and Saudi Arabia…
Pick your friends.


Nozay 10 mai 2020 / Eaux pluviales

10 mai 2020

Dans la nuit du 9 au 10 mai 2020, la commune de Nozay (91620) a reçu une forte pluviosité.
La mare dont la photo est disponible ci-dessous est monté de plus de 20cm au dessus de son niveau de la veille. Le conduit d’évacuation des eaux pluviales, habituellement visible, est significativement sous la surface actuelle montrant que le trop plein n’est pas évacué.Les deux photos ci-dessous montrent l’état normal maximal des niveaux. Ce niveau maximal est imposé, en écoulement normal par le conduit d’évacuation vers la noue. Actuellement, en cas de fortes pluies, au lieu d’évacuer les trop plein de la mare, il la remplit avec les eaux venues de l’amont.La photo ci-dessous permet de comparer les niveaux normaux maximums  à ceux constatés sur la première photo prise juste après les fortes pluies du 9 au 10 mai 2020.
L’inspection du regard où se déverse le trop plein (11 chemin du Bois Monsieur) montre un niveau trop élevé. En conséquence l’eau venue de l’amont, ouest, se déverse dans la mare de mon terrain.En aval de ce regard, le niveau est lui normal, le conduit d’évacuation est lui parfaitement visible. La communication entre le regard amont et celui-ci, le regard aval, est clairement non fonctionnelle.Il semble évident que le conduit qui relie les regards du 11 et du 7 chemin du Bois Monsieur ne remplit pas son office. Il est plus que probablement obstrué. Comme mentionné plus haut le trop plein non évacué venant de l’ouest (drainage du stade) se déverse dans la mare. Cette situation est fort fâcheuse.

Il y a près de six mois, le 16 décembre 2019 les services techniques de la mairie ont été alertés sur ce sujet par un courrier remis en main propre. Nul accusé de réception n’a été transmis. Il semble clair que ce courrier est resté sans effet. A titre de rappel, vous trouverez ci-dessous le courrier adressé aux services techniques ainsi que le préambule déposé dans la boîte à lettre de mon voisin.


Je sais tout / I know it all

9 mai 2020

Version française
Mon ami Claude m’a fait parvenir la caricature suivante dans laquelle Pinocchio affirme
– En matière de virus, j’en sais plus que tout le monde.
Ce à quoi de Docteur Fauci (expert épidémiologiste mondialement reconnu) répond
– Il ne s’agit pas de syphilis Monsieur.

Globish version
No need to explain what the Very Stable Genius knows.

Et pour retrouver le clown et ses aventures, cliquez ici.
For a follow-up on Fakident Pinocchio, click here.


The Death of Justice

May 8 2020

8 mai 2020

On May 7, 2020, Fakident’s Administration offers us a dismal spectacle in the midst of the COVID health crisis. Fakident Pinocchio and his criminal accomplice, Attorney General Barr show once again their dislike for ethics and promote denial of reality. What follows is all about this political crime: the murder of the American image.

From the first part of his term, when he still could be named Donald Trump, he denied any Russian meddling into his election. Remember that Trump is elected by the electoral college, therefore he must thank the distortion of the central rule of democracy: « One man / One vote ». Trump won 63 million votes, Clinton 66 million. In a normal country, she would be elected. However, the 2016 presidential campaign was greatly disrupted by Russian interference. Trump, from the start, denied the existence of such interference, although it has been widely proven. Since the beginning Pinocchio will never stopped denying, against all evidence, these interferences. From his point of view, accepting the idea of Russian interference de-legitimizes his election.

In order to prepare for the transition, he named as adviser an unconventional General whose career did not leave an irreproachable trace, Obama himself had placed him on a sideline. This is probably why he was chosen. Flynn, since being shelved, dealt with the Russians and Turks, offering them hints, clues and information on US politics. To remain legal, Flynn should have declared his activities to the Intelligence Services and to the IRS. He obviously failed to do.

During the transition period from the end of November 2016 to the beginning of January 2017, the Obama administration sanctioned Russia for its interference in the election. Simultaneously Obama’s Administration transmitted to the Trump team the sensitive information needed for the transition of power and in particular what relates to the Russian activities on the US territory as well as all the files and protocols which will make possible the fight against a possible pandemic.

Meanwhile, Flynn plays a double game being at the same time a Russian agent and adviser to the president. Upon the transfer of power, the director of the FBI relaunched a vast investigation about the Russian networks. This investigation immediately highlights the harmful activities of Flynn who, 24 days after the inauguration, is forced to resign from his position as Security Advisor. The investigation into Flynn’s activities led him to negotiate a Guilty Plea with the prosecutors. The Guilty Plea on two minor points in the Flynn’s case guaranteed, him and his son, immunity. For this immunity he signed two Guilty Pleas. In order for prosecutors to accept these confessions and grant him immunity, Flynn had to collaborate with the prosecutors. This collaboration with the prosecution will lead, among others, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, two political gangsters from Trump’s orbit, into prison. After two years of procrastination and various postponements which delayed the pronouncement of the sentence in Flynn’s case, the appointment of Barr as Attorney General significantly changed the situation. The major reason for this change is that Barr behaves like a Pinocchio lackey.

What follows was unavoidable. On May 7, the Attorney General drops the charges against Flynn, leaving the sole judge in charge of the case to pursue the action alone. The Americans pretend to cherish and respect  respect « The Rule of Law », a Rule of which the Attorney General should be the secular arm. By acting the way he does Barr does not enforce the Rule of Law, he acts as Fakident’s lawyer. He turned into the infamous Roy Cohn. In other words the Justice Department is now led by a dangerous gangster: Roy Barr or Bill Cohn, pick your choice.

Tragically the trio, traitor Flynn protected by the corrupt couple Barr-Trump, has now killed the American dream. America does not hold anymore the Torch of Liberty. My dream is now perfectly dead.
