Trump : Over & Out

7 novembre 2020 16:30 UTC

  • Les chats sont des animaux gracieux et savent se faire respecter.
    Le chat se nomme-t-il Biden ? Merci Patrick.
  • Cats are gracious animals. They know right from wrong.
    Is the cat’s name Biden? Thanks Patrick.
  • Dessin venu du Québec transmis par l’ami Jean-Claude.
    Trump, c’est fini. Enfin !
  • Drawing coming from Quebec forwarded by my buddy Jean-Claude.
    Trump 9th Inning / 2 Out / Strike 3 / Bien wins the W. H. Serie. At last.
    Translation ” I do not want to loose ! “

  • Retour sur son passé de star TV.
  • Back to the Reality Shows turned into reality.

  • L’ami Sam m’aura expédié celle-ci. Réaliste.
    Sam sent me this one. No comments requested.

  • Et que penser de ce squatter.
  • How about the Rule of Law. Not his cup of tea and we all knew it.

Translation : I stay Home / Does he respect the Lock-Down now?

  • Et une dernière pour la route. Merci Hélène.
  • And a last one, just for fun. Thanks Hélène.
