Political Correctness

March 3, 2020

The politically correct is meant to soften relationships. This attitude which consists in naming a blind man, a visually impaired person, an imbecile, a person with intellectual learning disabilities, opens the doors to ridicule. George Carlin had already dealt with this problem a long time ago.

In this era of the me too movement, the slightest compliment can turn nightmare. There is an undeniable difference between saying to a woman “you make me dream”, pussy grabbing or even offering her a sofa promotion (French quidproquo for sex against promotion). Now a simple compliment, even benign, can backfire even if it was pronounced a long time ago.

This is what happened to Chris Matthew who announced his departure on TV,live, yesterday evening.

This journalist who was also a political actor, was pushed out by a scared television channel. This channel was anxious to offer to a politically shy audience a sacrificial offering on the altar of the political correctness.

To stay safe in today’s America avoid gallantry.
To stay safe, in this less than tolerant bigot society, avoid reminding people the basic rule of the separation of church and state.
This separation rule is now a reality of the past.

I loved America with my eyes closed
but today I am also clogging my ears.
