March 24 2020
You can be a senator, a moron and a criminal at the same time
The criminal libertarian asshole, senator Rand Paul thought he had been caught by COVID-19. So he got tested. While waiting for the results, he swam in the Senate swimming pool. Then, needing more exercise, he took refuge in the Senat Gym.
Nice guy, he had doubts about his condition. The results proved positive to the virus. While waiting for the results, he graciously offered to his colleagues a set of fresh viruses.
Thank you asshole Rand Paul.
Let the virus give him its best infection.
Let the bastard who refuses ACA get a painful outcome.
BTW, talking about theives, do not forget the trumpian senator (no caps he does not deserve it) Richard Burr the Crook. He uses his position as Chairman on the Intelligence Commitee to trade stock. Criminal insider trader. Too bad, he is not the only one.
Lock them up too.
And it’s not just senators who are theives, liars and criminals
Speaking of Corona test, Fakident Pinocchio gets a superb result.
Of course it is fake, but it sounds so true.
Mom had a vision. She was fucking right.
With such a perfect administration, the USA turn into a Banana republic.
Bankrupt Pinocchio designated non US states as Shit Hole countries.
USA are getting closer by the day. Congratulations.