Second Week in the Paris area
Now that Susan has become an expert in public transportation, ie the Paris Metro, she travels by herself and begins discovering Paris on her own.
Along the right bank of the river Seine, East of Paris was a large estate dedicated to wine trade. By the end of the fifties, the area was reassigned: on the left bank a Science University, on the right bank, a park. Vanessa, my daughter and Salomé met Susan for a discovery of the park.
Sculptures, ponds decorate the park.
As everywhere in this world, shopping booths pop. Some elements of the previous architecture remain, so do the rails of the train that moved the goods around.
Last year, Susan discovered China Town, we had a dinner at this restaurant.
As a celebration to this Anniversary, we did an encore.
By the way, she is not the only person with whom I spent a dinner there, my Buddy Claude will recognize the place, it has been there for at least 30 years.
On the way to the restaurant, we ran into one of the Fontaine Wallace that ornate Paris, and not only Paris, ever since the end of the XIX century. But let me be square, even though wine is a French common beverage, these fountains offer water only.
Paris tries to keep the original artefacts, here an Art Deco Metro station.
Another day in le Marais
A promise was made to Susan a long time ago: a visit to the Musée Picasso. Here we are enjoying, on the ground floor, a common exhibition Calder-Picasso.
Abstract of slightly figurative art offers a large space for naming the works. Here Calder named his word « Wooden Bottle with Hair ». To my point of view, I would have rather called it « Rock attracting Fishes ».
As we left the Picasso Museum, we ran into a feather covered bike.
The designer must have smoked untested substances.
As we were hungry, in the Plaetzl of Paris, the Jewish quarter, we made an attempt to enjoy Fallafel. The lines were too long, we gave up hoping to find another place.
During our search, a Rabbi asked me if I was Jewish and if I had done my daily Mitzvah.
Of course I had was my answer My Mitzvah was to visit the Picasso Museum with Susan. 
As a matter of fact, the guy wanted me to lace the Tefilin and do the prayer with him.
I will not get into the details but, after a Pilpul, he understood that it was a lost cause.
Susan looked at us silently during the discussion and could not stop laughing as soon as we left.
Facing the restaurant was a shop named « The Trouser », the motto of the shop is
« You’ve got beautiful legs, you know? »
This of course makes a reference to a 1938 movie called « Quai des Brumes » and if you read the previous Susan’s Weeks, you will smile.
On the way back to the Metro we ran into two shops.
The first one is a famous Gay shop.
The second one is the world famous Mariage Frères that sells teas,
Susan could not leave without a can of local Earl Gray.
Paris is not exempt of vandalism.
Neither is the suburb of American invasion. We had to shop in the only COSTCO in France.
The good news is that if Susan falls into a home sick moment, a run to COSTCO will give her a shot of Americana. If the prices were not in Euro, it would be easy to beleive that you are in North America.
On Saturday, a visit to the market where we bought Shrimps to prepare Flambé with Pastis for lunch and scalops for tomorrow.
Here comes the Sun(day)
You may have the Greatest Pinocchio, we have the Greatest Flea Market.
Susan had to discover this incredible mix of Schmatte and superb antiques.
An example of weird way to spend money: a toy for 20k$.
A booth more in line with Susan’s point of focus (desires).
After grazing for over two hours, the stomachs cried famine.
An artichoke for Susan, a breadless hamburger for me.
On the way back to the Metro, we ran into the French equivalent of Big Bird, a thing named Casimir. Every kid over 30 and berlow 50 knows the show that was the signal to bed time.
A first for Susan and me, a ride in the Tramway.
In French the Tramway means a train in the streets.
Last but not least, I tried to activate the speed trap an X-Ray Kodak machine.
Even if I had been successful, as I am not registred, I would not have received the moving violation ticket.
Home tonight, Scallops with a white Burgundy. You should have joined us.
May be next time.