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Mauvaises Relations

16 novembre 2021


Parfois vous recevez de drôles de courriels qui possèdent tous un point commun, ces messages vous réclament de l’argent.

Il existe plusieurs formes de d’escroqueries. Les deux plus courantes sont l’appel au secours d’un ami qui a perdu l’usage de sa carte de paiement (VISA/MasterCard…) et vous sollicite pour une avance via un moyen de transfert anonyme. 

La deuxième se nomme l’escroquerie nigériane. Dans cette escroquerie, le rédacteur vous propose de partager un butin qu’il ne peut encaisser lui-même. Afin de contourner ce blocage, il vous propose d’encaisser ce trésor en son nom et vous propose une Royale commission. Mais pour ce faire, pour que vous puissiez vous retrouver sur le lieu du partage, vous devez lui faire parvenir des fonds pour qu’il puisse acheter un billet d’avion.

Récemment j’ai découvert une troisième forme d’escroquerie, les poursuites judiciaires imaginaires. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une tentative reçue cette semaine.

Sometimes you get funny emails that all have something in common, these messages are asking for money.

There are several forms of scams. The two most common are the rescue call of a friend who has lost the use of his payment card (VISA/MasterCard…) and asks you for an advance via an anonymous transfer.

The second is called the Nigerian scam. In this scam, the editor offers you to share a loot that he cannot cash himself. In order to avoid this blockage, he offers to cash this treasure in his name and proposes a Royal commission. But to do that, in order for you to be at the sharing location, you have to send him money to buy a plane ticket.

Recently I discovered a third form of fraud, imaginary lawsuits. Below is an attempt received this week. An automated translation will be found at the bottom of the page.

Clairement, ce courriel montre un caractère quasi officiel. Quelques éléments devraient éveiller votre attention.

  1. L’adresse de l’émetteur du courriel n’a rien d’officiel.
  2. Les formes des quatre premiers paragraphes relèvent d’une phraséologie judiciaire peu maîtrisée.
  3. Le montant de “l’Amende pénale” et son expression en chiffres sont peu conformes aux us et coutumes. 

Si vous recevez de tels messages, trois solutions s’offrent à vous. La première, celle que je recommande, est d’ignorer ce message purement et simplement. La deuxième est de transmettre ce message aux autorités et porter plainte. La troisième, celle que j’utilise parfois pour m’amuser est de donner suite et assurer l’escroc que vous souhaitez coopérer avec lui. Toutefois, echanger des messages présente un risque car les messages peuvent cacher un virus qui peut dévoiler des informations personnelles telles que codes d’accès… 

Clearly, this email is almost official in nature. There are a few things you should be aware of.

  1. There’s nothing official about the sender’s email address.
  2. The form of the first four paragraphs is a judicial phraseology with little control.
  3. The amount of the “Penal Fine” and its expression in figures are not very consistent with current legal practices

If you receive such messages, you have three options. The first, the one I recommend, is to ignore this message outright. The second is to convey this message to the authorities and file a complaint. The third, the one I sometimes use for fun is to follow up and insure the crook you want to cooperate with him. However, exchanging messages poses a risk because messages can hide a virus that can reveal personal information such as access codes… 

Ci-dessous une traduction automatique du courriel reçu.

TO YOUR ATTENTION (Convocation File)
Subject: TO YOUR ATTENTION (Convocation file)
Date: 16/11/2021 à 09:01

We acknowledge receipt of your email.
An offence has been  committed according to the internet data flows received at your contrary.

Our primary mission is to protect, and punish when an offence is committed in our field of activity.

That said, we will submit you to a justice article that may well
allow you to express yourself without making this matter public and without compromising your profession or your reputation.

We present the following cases:

    Republic of Versailles will be seized in 72 hours by our services. The case will be rendered
    to deter other people who engage in this activity on the Internet.
    You’re looking at five years in prison.
  2. AMICABLE SETTLEMENT: The case will be dealt with with the judicial authorities
    French and us, You must pay a fixed penal fine of 4.978 €
    (Four Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Eighteen Euros ) provided for by national legislation in this effect.
    In addition, you will be in a 6-month suspended supervision period and We will take the case to court.

Please reply to us in order to initiate the procedure according to the option that you will choose from the two options discussed above or else the procedure will be triggered.


Gle. Christian RODRIGUEZ,
Director General of the National Gendarmerie.

Simply hilarious
