Archives mensuelles : juin 2019

Susan’s Summer 2019 Week 3

Monday june 24

Car is loaded, driver and passenger ready for a late afternoon arrival in Orange.The route Napoleon is on the way, so are the small restaurants using History to promote their menus. Respect.
Made it to Orange before dusk and had diner at Barbara’s restaurant the Peperoncino

Thursday June 27 – En route vers le Midi

After a short week spent in the heat wave that struck Orange, we leave the house for the last time. On July 11, the property will be handed over.En route to our destination, Carcassonne, harrassed by the heat, up to 43 (Celsius) we stopped in Quillian for a refreshing salad. No wine today!

Saturday June 29

Carcassonne, a total rebuild of ruins left behind. Looks like a Walt Disney set up. As a matter of fact, the structure of the “Sleeping Beauty” castle was inspired by Carcassonne.What Disney did not know was that the the Sleeping Beauty was not sleeping.

Saturday June 29

As we crossed the Canal du Midi, we stopped at one of the locks.A house boat on her way to the Mediterranean gave us the demo on how a lock is operated.Behind the lock, a 4 centuries old bridge.Another bridge, inaugurated in 1928.
Can anyone guess
1-the name of the company that built this bridge
2- what the name of the bridge is?
1- The bridge was built by Eiffel, the father of the Eponyme Tower.
2- And now Susan has a piece of property named to honor her presence somewhere in the South of France.Almost arrived to our destination, the last pass rises to 7500 feet.No this is not plastic pollution, this is real snow. Susan could not escape the moment.Neither did I for a short down hill run.And finally, the reward of a nice evening diner with my long time buddy, Claude.

Sunday June 30

Shopping in the city of Andorra la Vella, ready for a piece of art Street lifting. Did not do it, too heavy for my car.So we went for lighter shopping, not lifting.Magnificient piece of Art. Magnicicient, may be but not for me!Cured Ham the Spanish way. Delicious, prices range from $100 to $600. Not sure I can taste the difference.

Tomorrow morning the Tour de France continues with Biarritz in sight.
Philippe, are you ready?


Susan’s Summer 2019 Week 2

The week started slowly, nothing really special, enjoying the moment, preparing for the Tour de France.

Thursday June 20

Tomorrow is the big day, departure of our Tour de France and the beginning of Summer.
Needed to celebrate.In the village of Rochefort en Yveline, do not confuse with Roquefort World known for its Blue Cheese, we visited à nice restaurant : l’Eschu de Rohan.Susan started the discovery with a Foie Gras de Canard, the rest must remain off the records, it was politically incorrect.

Friday June 21

We are on the road again. Destination Annecy for the 30th Marriage Anniversary of a good buddy of mine.The back roads offered some invaluable points of interest. I am ready to bet that from this very picture, you cannot identify the spot.On the other hand, if you cannot do it with this picture, you should ask Google. I checked, it works.After leaving the area, in one of these back roads, we stopped in the forest and discovered pilgrim road to Santiago Compostella. Susan pretended she needed a moment of rest.

Saturday June 22

During the last hours on the road, we encountered torrential rain. Fortunately on the next morning the Sun was back.

A small hike close by to open the lungs.We drove to le col de la Forclaz where Susan discovered the play ground of Sail Gliding.Contrary to what my Tee Shirt pretends “I am here for the Scotch”, I was here to offer Susan another point of view on the lake she flew over last year.Later in the afternoon, we walked in Annecy, had a small lunch.As Susan could not refrain from shopping, I could not refrain from simulating being bored while waiting outside.

Saturday Night Fever

Christian and Hélène, long time buddies, celebrated their Wedding 30th Anniversary.A not to be missed opportunity to meet them.To make sure that rain would not turn the feast into a wet disaster, a tent was set up.Obviously we shared a superb moment.

Sunday June 23

In order to minimize the amont of dump, Christian and Hélène called for a Brunch. This time, I took my swimming trunks and full of courage, jumped for a swim.With François, my buddie’s son, we tried to tell how deep the water is.Made it home by five PM to chill and get ready for tomorrow’s trip to Orange.


Susan’s Summer 2019 Week 1

Left Florida on June 9, landed Monday June 10, almost dead. SNAFU!
Unable to take any pictures while begging for a visa at the US Embasy on Tuesday.
Wednesday was a kind of Day Off with Carole, Laurent and grand-kids.

June 13 First Getaway

As Notre-Dame de Paris is inaccessible, drove to Chartres. After D Day, Mc Do, Hollywood movies, TV SitComs, the Great invasion continues: Bagels are on their way.A sister of Notre-Dame de Paris, la Cathédrale de Chartres.The Cathédrale might be almost one thousand years old, a page of History was written here in June 1940 when during the French retreat, Jean Moulin handed over the administration of the County to the German invaders. Weeks later he joined the Free French and led the Resistance till he got arrested and killed by the infamous Klaus Barbie.

Week End in Normandy

On the heels of the 75th Anniversary of the D Day, a four day trip was planned. Friday and Monday were dedicated to a back-road discovery. No Friday nor Monday pictures.

Saturday June 15

The day started with a visit to the German Cemetary. A very lean but moving set-up. Like in Yad Vashem, here in this cemetary, trees are planted.
The sponsors add a word. Here it says: “Only Peace has a Future”
A message of hope.We had lunch in a fake air field where a P47 caught my eye. Too bad, it was a fake plane too.The first stop after lunch was at Sainte Mère l’Eglise famous for the poor landing of a paratrooper who got trapped on the tower of the Church.The day ended at the British Cemetary.

Sunday June 16

The day started at Bayeux where the famous Tapestry of Bayeux tells the story of the conquest of the British Throne by Willem the Conqueror.Photograpy is prohibited, click on the link above.Before the last stage, we stopped for lunch in Port en Bessin in a restaurant named “The Feet in the Water”.The Fisherman’s boat’s name called for a song. “Stoned” surely qualifed.Lets now get serious.The American Cemetary of Colleville. A monument. Moving.

Ten days after the official anniversary, we made it.
Monday, we return to Paris to start the second week.


Une Tasse à Café

5 juin 2019

USA, haut lieu de la grosse moto, la Harley-Davidson, les USA produisent aussi des trucs genre Mobylette, tasse à Café, ce machin au bruit de moustique qui permet aux pré-ados de frimer et mesurer, non leur bistouquette, mais le niveau de bruit de leur engin.Voila le résultat, un vélo auquel on adjoint un réservoir et un truc à brûler de l’essence et brutaliser les oreilles des bourgeois à proximité.

La vraie question est de savoir si ce machin s’achète en boutique ou est le résultat d’une élucubration d’un bricoleur suffisamment adroit.

La vidéo YouTube ci-dessus vous donnera la réponse.


Trois piliers floridiens

Fin mai début juin 2019

Premier pilier : BBQ impromptu provoqué par le le “Board” des propriétaires pour renforcer les liens. Grillades, Vin et Amitié sur une nappe en toile cirée achetée à Orange.

Deuxième pilier : réunion amicale où les petits vieux se la jouent à qui aura la plus grosse.La plus grosse maquette, cela va de soi.

Troisième pilier : les balades le long de la rivière, source de belles rencontres.
